Your financial situation constantly changes, and so it’s important to review your financial plan from time to time and to regularly update your financial plan, especially when key life events happen, such as retirement/redundancy, a birth/death in the family, or receipt of an inheritance.

Nexus offers complete personal financial planning services. We will provide accountability to What is Important (your financial goals and objectives) and will provide advice and strategy in the following areas for each family unit, including investments within your super fund, personal name and family trust in the six key areas of:

    • Financial Management – Cash Flow – Entity structures – Taxation
      Provide active cash flow management assistance to meet planned expenditure and future capital investment requirements
      Provide assistance with determining the appropriate structures to hold your investments to achieve maximum taxation efficiency.


    • Debt Management – Tax Efficiency of Debt and Revision of existing debt facilities
      Provide an annual debt review of your commitments giving considerations to: debt recycling, debt structure and set up, debt tax effectiveness and current interest rates.


    • Risk Management – Personal and business protection
      Analyse, research and make recommendations to mitigate the consequences of financial loss upon death, disability or illness on meeting your financial objectives
      Implement the required structure to ensure you stay protected


    • Wealth Creation – Investments, Super, Pensions, Retirement and Centrelink strategies
      Create an investment strategy in line with your risk profile to give you lifestyle options while maximising taxation benefits
      Analyse if the use of leverage can better achieve your goal of wealth creation and tax minimisation
      Ensure your existing super or pension strategies are efficient and remain on track in meeting your retirement targets
      Ensure you maximise your entitlements to any potential Centrelink benefits
      Portfolio (Investment) Management (including investments within your super fund, personal name and family trust)
      Identify your appropriate investment profile, guide you through a myriad of investment opportunities, and outline the options, the risks and the rewards.
      Tailor your investment portfolio according to your preferred level of involvement ranging from cash investments to managed funds, direct equity selection and property investments.


  • Estate Management – Personal Wills and EPOA, super nominations and Intergenerational planning
    Ensure the appropriate structures are in place to enable the execution of your wishes and tax effective transfer of assets to your estate.
    Source and meet a solicitor with you to ensure the advice is documented where necessary

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